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미국연방순회법원 인턴(2001)
김•장 법률사무소 (1991 ~ 2020)
법률사무소 그루(2021. 4. ~ present)
학력 및 자격
서울대학교 화학과 (학사, 1989)
서울대학교 화학과 대학원 (석사, 1991)
Franklin Pierce Law Center (J.D./MIP, 2002)
변리사, 대한민국 (1991)
변호사, New York 주 (2002)
저서 및 활동
"How to Get Value Out of Your Invention” Panelist, The 13th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (Seoul, Korea, 2005)
"Foreign Searching KIPO as ISA” Panelist, AIPLA Mid-Winter Meeting (New Orleans, LA, 2007)
“Strict Patentability Standards Applied Against Selection Inventions” 24 WIPR 14, (Feb. 2010)
“Patent-Approval Linkage System” Presenter, 2013 Korea-US IP Judicial Conference (Korea, October 2013)
“Is dosage regimen patentable? Supreme Court says yes” (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2015)
“의약품 허가 ∙ 특허연계제도 실시에 따른 특허심판의 현황 및 제언(提言)” (공저, 지식재산정책, Vol .24 2015.09)
“Patent approval linkage system – initial statistics” (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2016)
"Patent approval linkage system – one year later" (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2016)
"Legal developments regarding patent term extensions" (공저, ILO Intellectual Property Newsletter, 2018)
Managing Intellectual Property: Named as “IP Star” (2014)
IAM Patent 1000 - The World's Leading Patent Professionals (IAM, 2020)
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